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336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.







청나라말, 아편이 널리 퍼져 많은 사람들이 아편에 중독됐다. 임측서는 명을 받고 광저우로 가서 아편 거래를 막고자 했지만, 이미 아편에 중독이 되어버린 관리들이 상인들과 결탁하여 형세가 불리하게 된다.그러나 아편타도를 외치는 청년들과 함께 아편 판매가 이루어지는 쓰싼항을 에워싸고 임측서는 상점과 아편 밀수창고를 포위하고 상당량의 아편을 불태우는데.....



At the end of the Qing Dynasty, opium was packaged by British merchants as Fu Shou Ointment and sold to China, and countless people suffered greatly. Cigarette restaurants in Guangzhou are blooming everywhere, smokers flock to them, sinking corpses at the bottom of the river, selling children for cigarettes are common, and countless families are broken and people die. Lin Zexu (Yao Yao), the Minister of the Imperial Household, is ordered to go south to sell cigarettes, but he is subjected to repeated reprisals for his involvement in the black chain of government and business interests behind opium, assassins and human bombs




TITLE : 호문소연 (Destruction of Opium at Humen, 2021)


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